
A campaign is a set of individual email messages that are sent to your subscribers

To view a listing of your campaigns, click the Campaigns link in the sidebar. This will take you to the campaigns index page.

New Campaign

Navigate to the campaigns index page and click the New Campaign button.


Campaign Name

A friendly name for your campaign that is only used within Social connector marketing. It helps you properly distinguish one campaign from another.


The subject of your campaign email. This is what your mail recipients will see in their inbox, so you should try to keep it clear and concise.

From Name

Also known as the the email sender name. This tells the mail recipients who sent the message.

From Email

This is what your mail recipients will see as the "from" address.

Template (optional)

The template that you wish to use for your campaign email.

Track Opens

Determines whether or not individual email opens are tracked. If you wish to track opens, click the check box.

Track Clicks

Determines whether or not individual email clicks are tracked. If you wish to track clicks, click the check box.


The body of your campaign email. This is what gets sent to your subscribers.

Once you have filled out the form, click Save and Continue. Your campaign will now be marked as a Draft.

Sending Campaigns

Campaigns are dispatched from the preview page.

Sending Options


You can choose to dispatch your campaign to your entire subscriber list or those with specific tags.


You can schedule your campaign to be dispatched immediately or at a later date and time.

Last updated