Profile Page

Here Builders can modify their Coin Bio, Creator Bio, Coin Reward, and Coin Offer information.

To access the builder Profile page navigate to the sidebar, choose the Builders option, and then click on Profile.

Coin Bio

Provide a thorough and informative description of your coin, enter the URLs for your Website, Discord, Twitter, and YouTube, then proceed to click the "Save Changes" button.

Creator Bio

Upload a profile image, provide detailed information about yourself, and enter valid URLs for the fields listed below, then proceed to click "Update" button.

Coin Reward

  1. To create a coin reward, click Create Reward

  1. Select the Amount field, provide a description for the reward, Select Status from the dropdown menu, and then proceed to click the Submit button

  1. To modify a reward, navigate to the Actions column, and select the Edit Icon to make changes to the reward, then click update.

Coin Offer

  1. To create a coin offer, click Create Offer

  1. Enter link, choose the Amount field, select the desired Status from the dropdown menu, and then proceed by clicking the Submit button. ( The coin offer will be showcased on the builder's page)

  1. To update a coin offer, navigate to the Actions column, and select the Edit Icon to make changes to the reward, then click update.

Last updated