How to Update Your Builder Profile on Social Connector

This guide will help you set up or update your profile, such as your Bio, Wallet address, Website, Discord URL, Twitter URL & YouTube on Social Connector.

Your Builders profile is where you can provide additional information about your creator coin and who you are as a creator.

To find and edit your Builders Profile, please follow the steps below:

  1. Log into your Social Connector account

  2. Click "Builders" in the left sidebar

  3. Then click "Profile"

  4. From here, you can edit your profile however you'd like

The image below displays what your Builders profile will look like once logged into your Social Connector account.

Under the Coin Bio section, you can add an image, write a coin bio, and add your website URL, Discord URL, Twitter URL, and YouTube URL.

It's important also to note the other tabs next to "Coin Bio" named "Creator Bio," "Coin Reward," and "Coin Offer."

This is where you can create a user profile, add rewards for holding your coin, and add special coin offers.

The Creator Bio section is where you can provide additional info about who you are as a creator, plus add all your other social media links to your profile so anyone visiting your profile can see where you are actively building online and easily connect with you all in one place.

To edit your "Creator Bio," click the "Creator Bio" tab and fill out the fields that are relevant to you.

Once finished, click "Update Bio" to save your changes.

3 Examples Of Builder Profiles

Here are a few examples of how some Builders in our community set up their profiles.

Example 1: Dr. Power

You can view Dr. Power's full profile here.

Example 2: Gino with $DRIVE

You can view Gino's full profile here.

Example 3: Steve Ryan with $FREEDOM

You can view Steve's full Builder profile here.

You can edit your profile and change your holder rewards and offers anytime!

Last updated