Social Connector Pro

Social Connector Pro provides you with exclusive features designed to enhance your social connector experience

Below is a list of these exceptional features:

  1. Zapier + API Access: Enjoy the power of automating actions through Zapier by leveraging the capabilities of social connector. Learn how to connect your Zapier account with social connector through this guide Social Connector Integration Guide for Zapier Users

  2. Discord VIP Support: Access a dedicated VIP support channel within our Discord community. Receive priority assistance and expert guidance for any queries or issues you might have.

  3. Segment Integration: Unlock the potential of using segment features within social connector. Explore how to effectively utilize segment functionality by referring to this guide How To Create Segments In Social Connector

  4. Email Marketing Platform: Experience the benefits of our specialized email marketing platform. Navigate through the functionalities and features using the guide provided Social Connector Marketing

  5. Social Pay Integration: Harness the power of setting up and receiving payments effortlessly through our system. A comprehensive guide on how to establish payment methods and receive payments is available here Social Pay

Last updated